Monday, February 25, 2013

Replicator2 Extruder upgrade

I owe a great deal of thanks to  and WingCommander, and everyone else who helped with the design of the Mk8 extruder upgrade.  Per my previous post on this topic, I tried to print the parts from Thingiverse, but they just didn't fit together right.

 And living in the US, it's hard to find a source for the right metric screws.
So I bought one on ebay from, pictured below  (Actually  2).

To anyone who is cursing their Replicator 2 for "air-printing", and for that incessant clicking sound caused by the extruder motor skipping, and often resulting in missed sections of extrusion, I highly recommend this upgrade.
I first experienced air printing soon after I bought my printer and almost nothing would print right.
When I read on the Google group that I needed to take my new printer apart and install a homebrewed upgrade, I was very resistant.
What kind of bullshit is this, I thought.  I just bought a $2200 printer and it needs an immediate upgrade?
I resisted for a long time and dicked around with everything imaginable.
This upgrade solved my air printing problems.  (Increasing my print temp helped too however.)

There are a few problems with the upgrade:
1. You have to carefully feed the filament down through the hole, making it curve right to left, (as opposed to not front to back), or the filament will miss the hole in the extruder block.
2. When there is no filament, the spring forces the rotating part up into the black plastic housing slightly.

But these issues are trivial, compared to the consistent printing this upgrade produces.

This part may solve both these issues:

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