Sunday, December 9, 2012

Extruder made love to itself

The printer has produced some gorgeous, highly precise parts.
I've been printing some iphone sized parts for my automated cat food feeder.
I awoke from my nap to find that the printer had wrapped the entire part around the print head.

Hmm... I wonder why.
I heated the head and easily pulled the glob off.
There is still some PLA residue on the print head and tape.

I spent days screwing around with my Solidoodle 2 extruder and I really don't feel like messing with this one.
I'm just going to keep printing and see if the residue magically does no harm.

So why did this happen?
The fan ducting wasn't all snapped in place (see earlier blog) and started scraping the filament off the printer bed as it printed.  It slowly collected it all the filament around the head.

So I snapped the ducting into the correct location and now it doesn't scrape.
But things still do not print correctly.
See Image 2 below.

Okay, I finally figured it out.
The problem wasn't the ducting.  The problem was the part was sliced incorrectly and was dropping the filament 3 layers above the print bed and this allowed it to get all fowled up.  I resliced it and it worked fine.

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